MineRP, Britehouse NTT and SAP maps mining processes

Last week, the MineRP strategic value creation team, and senior software development staff, supported by MineRP's first SAP partner, Britehouse NTT, were privelaged to have two senior, deeply knowledgable staff from the SAP International Business Unit Metals and Mining in South Africa, to continue the co-innovation joint work we embarked on earlier this year.
On the above photo, Ruediger Schroedter, from SAP Atlanta, and Kai Aldinger from SAP Munich are standing in the middle, surrounded by MineRP and Britehouse staff and executives.
The purpose of the full week's workshop was to map three of the five mega-problems we identified to co-innovate with SAP and partners, to the next level, as specification to the software components on SAP HANA, for the mediation platforms between MineRP and SAP systems, and for the SAP systems blueprint. MineRP holds two patents covering the spectrum of end-to-end systems and method in scope.

The processes that were mapped to the next level includes
(01) - GeoInventory,
(02) - Unified Business Planning, which used MineRP's Planner, and SAP's Integrated Business Planning - IBP solution, and
(05) - Unified Production Management solutions.
We are grateful to our partner SAP, and Britehouse NTT that is working with us with the goal to transform mining together, through radical efficiency improvement solutions.