MineRP CAD offers CAD capabilities extended for mine planners, surveyors and other specialists who generate and manipulate spatial and volumetric data.
Tightly integrated with MineRP Explorer, MineRP CAD allows users to easily load, filter and visualise integrated datasets while facilitating printing, plotting and web-based publishing of views.

Built on top of AutoCAD
AutoCAD is the original CAD software used by millions around the world, proving it is a well-supported and documented platform.

State of the art CAD tools
Many years of R&D which resulted in state of the art CAD tools.

Strict access control to ensure data integrity
Data is securely saved in a SQL database with strict access control and security to ensure data integrity
mining tools
Designed to cater and adhere to the mining industry's standard rules and regulations

Quick access & fast filtering
Geometry and attributes data, handled via SQL database for quick access and fast filtering

Save valuable design time
Plotting is made easy by using standard templates and command-driven interface.

Full audit logs
Available for data and configuration changes
Integrated workflow
Embed and digitize your processes with integrated workflow and authorization.
An integrated view into all datasets hosted by MineRP systems through a CAD-like database environment as configured by MineRP Core, including reference libraries, predefined Views, Layouts, and predefined Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) and spatial filters.
MineRP Explorer forms the foundation for hosting datasets, including the standards definition, how data exists as well as the security model. Explorer allows for importing, referencing, and connecting to different datasets, and can host various datasets in a logical database. Through MineRP CAD, designing capabilities are also included in Explorer, making it an industry-specific CAD system. All other MineRP modules are built on top of Explorer.